About Us

J.B. Mahajan Degree College, a Graduate College affiliated to the Gorakhapur University within the premises of a large campus spread over an area of 5 acres in Gorakhapur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
The College is a self-financing institution managed by a team of eleven (11) member Management Committee. The committee members belong to various walks of life and the founder of the college is its chairman.
Since its very inception J.B. Mahajan Degree College has been striving hard to create a stimulating, invigorating, interactive teaching-learning environment, to provide avenues opportunities and knowledge-base to students for developing their skills abilities, attitudes, qualities and capacities, organize activities to promote a social environment andethos conducive for the nurturance of cooperation, empathy, better communication skills and compassion in its members and generate social, human qualities and characteristics, vision and foresight-all with the aim to help students get them transformed into not only confident operators capable of attaining optimal levels of performance and success in all endeavors of their life and living, but also make them grow into enriched, wholesome persons, useful productive social beings and wise, compassionate citizens and future decision-makers of this Country Nurturance and inculcation of qualities and habits like sense of purpose and perseverance, doing hard work with sincerity, dedication and commitment, seeing dreams and visions for the future of the country in general and mankind in particular and building confidence, capacities to realize the dreams and face the challenges with poise and grace and accept success and failure both with equanimity and serenity, are some of the major aspirations and ambitions of this College.
Upholding the ideology of promoting excellence, the College has always worked towards building a kind of social ethos in its class-rooms and campus which may helps broaden the social, emotional and mental horizons of the learners and allows them to develop broad perspectives and global views and become more tolerant, secular, open minded, generous human beings and active, energetic, imaginative and socially useful, productive, members of the work-force dedicated to the growing and developing economy of the country.
Teaching methodologies practiced in the College for realizing and actualizing the aforestated goals and aspirations comprise of a judicious blend of theory and practice. Class-room lectures dotted with paper-presentations (by teachers and students both using audio-visual equipments and projectors), regular periods allocated for assignments tutorials, tests, seminars, work shops, and field and on job experiences throughout the year are some of the regular activities adopted by the College to make students get interested in the engaging and joyous affair of teaching and learning. Arrangement of Internship facilities and placement service to benefit the students of professional courses in seeking good jobs, guest-lectures of experienced academicians and professionals for familiarizing and exposing them to the latest findings and advancements made in their field of knowledge, as also to the nuances of the art and science of the teaching-learning practices are some of the regular and routing features of the College. The College is proud of its dedicated faculty which closely monitors the thoughts, actions and learning out-comes of their students and are always there to act as friend, philosopher and guide whenever required. Their efforts to draw out the best talents and potentials of the students to the fore and their willingness to help them make the right, choices decisions and actions when confronted with real life challenges and practical aspects of living are some of those strengths of the college that have helped it earn a positive reputation amongst the community.
To encourage and promote the cause of such a faculty the College on its part has always tried to help update their knowledge base and skills by encouraging them to participate in orientation programmes, refresher courses, workshops, seminars and other academic activities organized by the University as well as other colleges in the city, and has allowed and motivated them to go on tours and excursions and visit successful institutions. The College believes in allowing free and easy access to its various resources whenever needed and demanded by the members of the teaching faculty.